Stories Tagged: global challenges

China and America Reset at APEC: Pragmatism Overriding Ideology

The recent APEC summit held in San Francisco marked a significant step towards stabilizing... (2 revisions)

The Corruption of Wealth in Britain and the Impact of Hamas's Corrupt Leadership in Gaza

The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has sparked discussions about the lessons... (3 revisions)

The Power of Cross-Cultural Collaborations in Fostering Empathy and Understanding

The President of The Australian Academy of Science, Professor Chennupati Jagadish, delivered a... (7 revisions)

G20 Presidencies of Key Emerging Economies Empower the Global South in a Shifting World Order

Brazil began presiding over the G20 in December 2023, with a one-year presidency that will... (8 revisions)

The Importance of Multilateralism in Addressing the Polycrisis

The future of multilateral institutions is being discussed in the context of great power... (10 revisions)

Mexico's Role in the Trade Conflict Between the US and China

Mexico, as a middle power, finds itself in the midst of the trade conflict between the United... (21 revisions)